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How The Weakest Link works
A team of PAP candidates most likely to be fielded in each of the 15 GRCs in this election will be put up for vote.

However they will not be pitted against candidates from the Opposition, but against members in their own GRC team. In every team, there is a candidate who will be most responsible in the event of a PAP defeat in a GRC. This PAP candidate is the weakest in his/her team because voters do not like what they see in them.

Your task as the reader is to identify in each PAP GRC team who you think is the weakest PAP candidate and cast your vote for him/her as The Weakest Link.

In every PAP GRC, there is a most senior minister who is the anchor of the team. This minister will not be put up for vote as The Weakest Link since they attract disproportionate number of support. However, exception is made for the four “virgin” ministers who have never actually contested in an election before.

If you know of anything about the candidates that you think other Singaporeans need to know before the actual polling day, such as knowledge of their background or an unforgettable encounter, feel free to post them as comments. (But remember: As you are participating in a free and open forum, please be responsible for your comments and do not post defamatory statements, false/unsubstantiated allegations, unwarranted vulgarities, racist comments, and incitation to violence etc, etc)

The PAP candidate who garners the most votes in his/her GRC team will be declared The Weakest Link. In all, you will identify 15 of the most unwanted PAP candidates, the 15 The Weakest Links.